VCA 2024 - Criteria for the Best Advertising Films/Video

The Best Advertising Films/Video Category is awarded to TVC/commercial videos with unique ideas, utilizing the latest advanced technologies in production, image construction, and brand communication.

The Best Advertising Films/Video Category at VCA 2024 celebrates the diversity and creativity in advertising strategies. From product advertisements to brand and service promotions, each entry is evaluated based on its creative approach and effectiveness in delivering its message.

Under the scrutiny of a professional judging panel, the most outstanding advertisements will be honored at the VCA 2024 awards ceremony, inspiring and encouraging growth in the online advertising industry.

Who can participate in the Best Advertising Films/Video Category?

  • Organizations established in Vietnam; foreign organizations with commercial presence in Vietnam (including companies, branches, and representative offices of foreign organizations in Vietnam).
  • Individuals who are Vietnamese citizens; foreigners with permanent residency cards in Vietnam.
  • All individuals, organizations, and production teams are passionate about digital advertising and media.
  • Advertising production companies and individuals involved in the media and advertising industry.

Award Participation Rules

1. Entries must have been released to the public between September 1, 2023, and August 8, 2024, with a duration not exceeding 100 minutes, including introduction, title, and end credits.

2. There are no restrictions on genre and language. In the case of languages other than Vietnamese, subtitles in Vietnamese are required.

3. The contest entry has not received any official awards from any competition.

4. The work should be in MP4 format (H264), with a minimum resolution of HD 720P, a minimum frame rate of 25fps, and a minimum bit rate of 1.5Mbps.

5. The author is responsible for the copyright of images and sound. If using images/music from a third party, written consent from the copyright owner must be provided.

6. If the work is a product of a group of authors, a commitment agreement from all members of the group participating in the competition is required..

7. For advertising video/film entries, participants are responsible for ensuring they have the consent of the author or the legal owner of the product being submitted.

8. The dialogue and images of the work must not violate legal regulations, must not go against traditional customs, and must not promote products prohibited by Vietnamese law. The use of maps with the "nine-dash line" or maps that omit the Hoang Sa and Truong Sa of Vietnam is not allowed.

9. Each contestant may only participate in one group. Each individual/group can submit multiple entries in multiple categories.
Each entry is only allowed to be submitted in one category.

10. The Organizing Committee is not legally responsible for any issues related to the copyright of the contest entries.

11. Contestants retain the copyright of their contest entries, and the Organizing Committee has the right to use all works, images, and information submitted by contestants for promotional and publicity purposes related to the competition.

12. The Organizing Committee has the right to unilaterally remove any entries that violate the law or the rules of the competition.

Submit VCA 2024 application

Organizations and individuals submit their applications online through the Awards Portal at
The application package for organizations and individuals participating in the VCA 2024 includes:

1. The registration form for the VCA 2024 (online registration according to the Form);

2. Encouraged to register as a member of DCCA (online registration at the link

3. Organizations, individuals information

4. Description of product or service content (according to 5 guiding criteria);

5. Requirements for the application:
- 2 images of the film/01 video, film (submit files with a resolution of at least 200dpi);
- 01 trailer of the film (lasting from 15 seconds to 30 seconds)/01 video, film;
- 01 to 02 poster designs of the film/01 video, film (submit files with a resolution of 300dpi)

6. Notarized copies of business registration, business license, citizen identification card or equivalent;

7. Business performance/results of applying products, services (encouraged);

8. Types of certifications, quality certificates for products (encouraged);

9. Opinions, evaluations from local state management agencies or from nominating organizations/individuals (encouraged).

10. Registration fee for participating in the Awards: Free

Criteria for the Best Advertising Films/Video





1Message of the submission Objectives of the content script, message to the audience 20%
2Application of technologyApplication of new and modern technologies in the production process15%
3Creativity and uniquenessDemonstrating creativity and uniqueness in content, sound, and images25%
4Effectiveness and resultsValues and benefits for the audience. Results obtained after release20%
5Contribution to the community         Meaningful contributions to the target community and society as a whole20%

Time and Location of the Event

  • Submission Period: From April 20th, 2024 to August 8th, 2024.
  • Award Ceremony: The results announcement and award ceremony are expected to take place in September in Hanoi.

Contact Information

  • The Vietnam Digital Content Creation Awards 2024 - VCA 2024: Vietnam Digital Content Creation Alliance
  • Location: 4th Floor, TQ Building, 286 Alley, Nguyen Xien, Tan Trieu, Thanh Tri, Hanoi
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone number: 0988.606.666 (Mrs. Phạm Thị Quyen) - 0336.382.232 (Ms. Nguyễn Hoàng Thảo Ngọc)
  • Website: