A Journey of a Sophomore Pursuing Her Passion to Become an Animation Screenwriter

Pham Thien Duong, a sophomore at Van Lang University, has made her mark in the digital content creation industry by winning the Best Animation Script category at the VCA 2023. Her work "Rainbow" not only impressed the judges but also left a strong impression on the public.

The VCA organizers had the opportunity to talk with Phạm Thiên Dương to gain a deeper understanding of her journey and passion. 

Interviewer: Hello Thiên Dương, one year after winning the Best Animation Script category at the Vietnam Digital Content Creation Awards 2023, can you share a bit about how you feel?

Thien Duong: From the beginning, I participated in the competition with the mindset of challenging myself in areas I had never experienced before, so when I received the email announcing the results, I was very surprised to have achieved a small milestone in my writing career. This is a dream come true, and I am grateful for this recognition. "Rainbow" is a part of my heart, and I am very happy that it has been well-received by everyone.


Interviewer: When did you start your passion for scriptwriting? Can you share the journey of how the idea for the award-winning animated script at the 2023 VCA came to be?

I used to love writing short stories, but this hobby was put on hold during high school for various reasons. I really started getting into script writing when I took a course on Storyline at university. Through the course, I gained a better understanding of how to build and develop ideas.

Initially, I aimed to write a short animated script focusing on a specific social issue. In the end, I chose marine environmental pollution as the topic, as I noticed that it was rarely addressed. I wanted to create something new and fresh.

It was quite coincidental that while browsing through photos of environmental pollution on the internet, I came across an image of an oil slick on the road. From there, I came up with the idea of a beautiful "rainbow" on the sea surface, which in reality is an oil slick reflecting light. From this image, I wanted to explore a sub-theme: not everything is as beautiful as it appears on the outside. 

Interviewer: What inspired you to write "Rainbow"?

My childhood was closely tied to Disney animated films. As a result, my style of writing animated scripts is somewhat influenced by these films. Additionally, I draw inspiration from everyday life experiences to create a story in which everyone can find a part of themselves.

Phạm Thiên Dương ENG-02-min

Interviewer: During the creation of "Rainbow," did you encounter any difficulties? How did you overcome them?

The journey of writing the script was full of challenges but very exciting, involving many stages of editing and development. The goal was to create an animated script under 5 minutes, so I faced difficulties in condensing the script, particularly in creating psychological and action "steps" that were concise yet logical. To overcome this phase, I sought advice from my course instructors to make the script as concise as possible, then rewrote it multiple times until I was satisfied with the result. 

Interviewer: As a student, how do you balance between your studies and writing?

My major focuses on Animation, so scriptwriting is an integral part of my studies. Whenever I have time, I try to brainstorm scripts on various topics. If I find them feasible, I jot them down in a notebook, which serves as preparation for upcoming courses. Additionally, my university encourages students to align their scripts with the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which helps me encapsulate my themes and develop scripts with depth.

Phạm Thiên Dương ENG-03-min

Interviewer: Do you have any advice for young people passionate about writing and creating content?

I think the most important thing is to never give up on your passion. Writing is not always easy, but if you persevere and believe in yourself, you will achieve results. Always be open to feedback and learn from those around you. Every piece of advice and every experience is a valuable lesson.

Interviewer: After winning the Best Animation Script at the VCA 2023, what are your plans for the future?

I hope to continue developing my writing skills and creating more works. I'm planning to further study animation filmmaking and set a direction for a major animated film project in the future, including my graduation project. Additionally, I want to participate in other digital content creation projects to broaden my knowledge and personal experience.

Interviewer: What message would you like to convey to young people passionate about creating digital content?

Keep the fire of passion alive and never stop creating. Don't fear failure, because every setback is an opportunity to learn and grow. Believe in yourself and always give it your best effort. Opportunities come to those who persevere and strive.

Interviewer: Thank you, Thien Duong, for sharing your fascinating journey. I wish you continued success on your path of creating digital content!

Summary of "Rainbow": Timo, a curious and adventurous fish, loves collecting human artifacts. One day, angered by his father, Timo swims away and stumbles upon a beautiful rainbow-like light on the sea surface. Upon investigation, Timo discovers it's oil - a harmful substance to the marine environment. Oil and debris are being continuously dumped into the sea by humans cleaning up after a storm.

Quickly returning to find his father and flee, Timo and the fish encounter continuous obstacles. Hit by an underwater oil column, Timo is thrown onto the sea surface. His father swims after him but cannot escape death. Enraged, Timo seems to transform into the anger of the sea wave.

A large wave crashes into an oil rig, sweeping away all humans and their belongings. In the end, a ship approaches the oil rig, discovering dead fish floating on the sea and deeply regretting it.