4 Prize Categories for the Best Animated Film

With 4 separate awards: Best Animated Film, Best Screenplay, Best Character Set and Best Animation IP, the Best Animated Film category expands and gives opportunities to all content creators in the field of Animation Production.

The animation market in the Asia-Pacific region has the leading growth rate worldwide. In particular, Vietnam is making rapid developments in the field of producing animated content for release on digital platforms. To encourage organizations/individuals participating in the field of producing and exploiting animated content on the Internet platform. VCA 2023 organizers have reserved special rewards for the Best Animated Film Category. 

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The Best Animated Film category is the only category among the 7 categories of VCA 2023 that has 4 separate awards:

- Best Animated Film category

- Best Screenplay Category  

- Best Character Set Category  

- Best Animation IP Category 

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1. Best Animated Film Category 

- Criteria: demonstrate creative capacity, have elements of culture, high art, apply advanced technology in product production and sales

- Request:

+ Duration: no more than 40 minutes including introduction, title and final information.

+ MP4 format (H264 format), minimum size HD 720P, minimum image rate: 25fps, minimum transmission speed: bitrate 1.5Mbps.

+ Language: Unlimited (other than Vietnamese must have English subtitles).

+ Contest entries have not received official awards from any competition.

+ The dialogue and images of the work must not violate the law, are not contrary to fine customs and traditions, and must not promote prohibited products according to the provisions of Vietnamese law. Must not use map images with the “nine-dash line", any map that lacks images of Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagoes of Vietnam.

- Prize structure: 40,000,000 VND, Cup and Certificate 

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2. Best Script Category

- Criteria:

+ Present the topic and format correctly

+ Original elements

+ Attractive and creative elements

+ Transmission purpose

+ Application capabilities

- Request:

+ Format: PDF or Word document, A4 paper size, font size 14, line spacing 1.5

+ Format by genre:

  • Short animated film script: submit the script 
  • Long-form animated film script, animated feature film: submit a detailed outline 
  • Script for a series of animated films: submit an overall outline and script for the first 1 or 2 episodes

+ Language: Vietnamese

+ Contest entries include the following information:

  • Author information: Full name, Phone number, Address, Email 
  • Copyright information: Originality, Copyright registration status of the product. 

- General information about the product

- Script genre

- Target audience file

- Topic and content desired to convey (message, lesson)

- Contest script (presented in accordance with standard format)

- Prize structure: 10,000,000 VND, Cup and Certificate 
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3. Best Character Set Category

- Criteria:

+ Present the topic and format correctly

+ Original elements

+ Attractive and creative elements

+ Aesthetics

+ Application capabilities

- Request:

+ Format: PDF file, A4 paper size, font size 14, line spacing 1.5

+ Language: Vietnamese

+ Design requirements:

  • The design is suitable for all audiences, including children. 
  • There are no sensitive elements, nudity, or violence. 
  • Does not contain racist, political or religious messages. 
  • Caricatures and portraits will not be accepted.

+ Contest entries include:

  • General introduction of the contest entry including: Full name, Phone number, Contact address, Email, The Copyright status of the product, and Audience file (age, gender, country) 
  • Detailed design of the character set. Each character must have all (but not limited to) the following characteristics: 

+ The design creates black and white outlines of reference faces 
+ Color rendering design 
+ The main pose clearly shows the character's characteristics and personality 
+ Facial expressions highlight the character's personality 
+ Having an outline of the background and props is a plus

- Prize structure: 20,000,000 VND, Cup and Certificate 

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4. Best Animation IP category  


+ Present the topic and format correctly

+ Original elements

+ Attractive and creative elements

+ Aesthetics

+ Application capabilities

- Request:

+ Format: PDF file, A4 paper size, font size 14, line spacing 1.5

+ Language: Vietnamese

+ Design requirements:

  • The design closely follows the accompanying script. 
  • The design is suitable for all audiences, including children. 
  • There are no sensitive elements, nudity, or violence. 
  • Does not contain racist, political or religious messages. 
  • Caricatures and portraits will not be accepted.

+ Script requirements:

  • Short animated film script: Required to submit a script 
  • Long animated film scripts, animated feature films: Required to submit a detailed outline 
  • Animated series script: Required to submit an overall outline and script for the first 1 or 2 episodes

+ Contest entries include:

  • General introduction of the entry including: Full name, Phone number, Contact address, Email, Copyright status of the product and Audience file. 
  • Detailed design of the character set. Each character must have all (but not limited to) the following characteristics: 

* The design creates black and white outlines of reference faces 

* Color rendering design 

*The main pose clearly shows the character's characteristics and personality 

* Facial expressions highlight the character's personality 

*Having an outline of the background and props is a plus 

* Contest script (presented in accordance with standard format).

- Prize structure: 30,000,000 VND, Cup and Certificate

Candidates participating in this category are unlimited, from professional content creators to amateurs. Each author/author group can enter many categories and there is no limit to the number of entries.

Instructions for submitting application documents:  https://s.net.vn/cWSv

Time to receive applications: from September 12, 2023 to November 30, 2023

How to register and submit documents: Online on the Award Portal:  https://dcca.org.vn/vca

For more information, contact: 033.63.82232 (Ms. Nguyen Hoang Thao Ngoc)

Results announcement and award ceremony (expected): December 20, 2023 in Hanoi